Magic: The Gathering

I quit playing MtG when I realized how completely insane I could go collecting cards. I think I'm going to restrict myself to buying the occasional box of booster packs in order to sell them unopened 5 years later.

I have friends with little collector's folders that have the see-through plastic pockets and they're almost full. I routinely hear how they're only 1 or 2 cards away from a complete "legends" or whatever set.

I can't see dedicating that much of my time, money, and soul to such an endeavor. I'll stick to Netrek and hacking DooM and Heretic :)

The information on this web site is doubtless dated. However, it's easier to just leave this information here than delete it. Have fun!

I'd like to thank Stephen D'Angelo who provided me with a lot of the initial information.


Robert Forsman / <>
Last modified: March 8 1995