# for http://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/41281/blender-function-to-transform-a-selected-edge-along-a-custom-axis
__author__ = 'thoth'
import bpy
import bmesh
def guess_edge_order(bm, edge):
""" We need to create a new face,
but if that face is going to have a normal consistent with an adjacent face
we need to choose the order of the vertices carefully.
v0 = edge.verts[0]
v1 = edge.verts[1]
if len(edge.link_faces) != 1:
# it is going to be non-manifold. balls!
return v0, v1
face = edge.link_faces[0]
nverts = len(face.verts)
i0 = [ i for i in range(nverts) if face.verts[i].index == v0.index]
i0 = i0[0]
#print(["indices", i0, face.verts[i0], face.verts[i1], i1])
i1 = (i0 + 1)% nverts
#print(["next", face.verts[i1] , "==", v1])
# does the polarity of this edge match the order of the vertices on the face?
if (face.verts[i1].index != v1.index):
return v0, v1
return v1,v0
def mission1(obj, axis, len):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
# collect a set of all the vertices from all selected edges (without duplicates)
verts = set()
for edge in bm.edges:
if edge.select:
# create new vertices "extruded" from the vertices of all the selected edges and
# stash them in a hash so we can map from the old vertex to its extruded partner
newverts = {}
for v in verts:
v2 = bm.verts.new( v.co + axis*len)
newverts[v.index] = v2
# for each selected edge create a new face from the original edge plus the extruded vertices
for edge in bm.edges:
if edge.select:
v0,v1 = guess_edge_order(bm, edge)
v2 = newverts[v1.index]
v3 = newverts[v0.index]
bm.faces.new( [v0, v1, v2, v3] )
# if we don't do this, it will look silly in the editor, and maybe even cause problems during render
# apply all the changes we made back to to the target mesh data
bmesh.update_edit_mesh(obj.data, destructive=True)
obj = bpy.context.active_object
scn = bpy.context.scene
# which custom orientation are we using?
orientation = scn.orientations['Face']
m1 = obj.matrix_world.to_3x3().inverted() # this is what we need to map from world space to object space
m2 = orientation.matrix.transposed() # we transpose this so we can extract a column
global_axis = m2.row[z_axis] # this is the custom orientation axis we want in global space
axis = m1* global_axis # now we have the necessary extrusion vector in the object's local coordinate space
if True:
print (m1*m2.row[x_axis])
print (m1*m2.row[y_axis])
print (axis)
mission1(obj, axis, 1.5)
p_w = m * p
p2_w = p_w + l*d
p2_w = m*p + l*d
mi * p2_w = im*m*p + im*l*d
mi * p2_2 = p + im*d*l
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