import bpy
from mathutils import *
import math
import random
def random_axis_element():
rval = random.random()*2+1
if 0==random.randint(0,1):
return rval
return -rval
def random_axis():
return [ random_axis_element(),
def animate_wiggle(armature, frame_start, frame_end):
"""we're assuming the armature is for a layered "urchin" and the layers are in order from center to edge
m0 = armature.pose.bones[0].matrix_basis
for i in range(len(armature.pose.bones)):
bone = armature.pose.bones[i]
axis = Vector(random_axis())
for fr in range(frame_start, frame_end+1):
speed = math.sin(fr*0.1) * 0.07
wiggle = Matrix.Rotation(speed, 4, axis)
for i in range(len(armature.pose.bones)):
bone = armature.pose.bones[i]
# wiggle the bones in world space
me =[i].matrix.to_4x4()
bone.matrix_basis = me.inverted()*wiggle*me*bone.matrix_basis
# keyframe, but each layer is offset in time
armature.keyframe_insert(data_path="pose.bones[\"%s\"].rotation_quaternion", frame=fr+i)
# change the axis a little
precession = Matrix.Rotation(0.2, 4, random_axis())
axis = precession * axis
armature = bpy.context.active_object
animate_wiggle(armature, 5,1200)
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