# Link assets from a separate blend file.
import bpy
def library_get(name, data_blocks, libpath=None):
""" Since it is possible for a .blend file to have several objects
with the same name linked from different files, this routine lets us
hunt down the right one. """
for x in data_blocks:
if x.name == name and x.library is not None:
if libpath is None or libpath == x.library.filepath:
return x
return None
def addGroupToScene(grp, scn):
for obj in grp.objects:
fname = "//cube.blend"
with bpy.data.libraries.load(fname, link=True) as (src, dst):
# src has many properties, each of which is a list of name strings.
# dst is how we specify what we want to link from the library file.
# let's link the "dazed" scene
dst.scenes = ["dazed"]
# and the "omnitile" object
dst.objects = ["omnitile"]
# and an object group
dst.groups = ["frog"]
# and just to be fancy, let's count up how many linkable things there are
for dbt in dir(src):
name_list = getattr(src, dbt)
print("%s[%d]" % (dbt, len(name_list)))
# just because we linked an object doesn't mean that object is in any of our scenes.
omnitile = library_get("omnitile", bpy.data.objects)
scn = bpy.context.scene
# now it is.
# link all the objects from group "frogs" to the current scene
addGroupToScene(library_get("frogs", bpy.data.groups), scn)
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