import bpy
import os
import mathutils
import sys
# Take a series of screenshots of the UI where the 3D view comes from an auxiliary screenshot camera,
# but make it look like the UI is looping the 3D animation.
# This makes things a little confusing since we want 400 frames,
# but the animation is only 20 frames long. Gymnastics ensue.
def viewMatrixFromCamera(cam):
:param cam: the camera whose point of view is of interest
:return: the view matrix suitable for use in region_3d.view_matrix
return cam.matrix_world.inverted()
def viewFrom(screen):
:param screen:
:return: the "first" area in the specified screen that is a 3D view.
for obj in screen.areas:
if (obj.type == 'VIEW_3D'):
return obj
return None
def filenameFor(idx, scene=bpy.context.scene):
return os.path.join(scene.render.filepath,
def exp1(region_3d):
return region_3d.perspective_matrix * region_3d.view_matrix
def cameraFor(idx):
:param idx:
:return: which camera's viewpoint will we use for the 3D view when it's time to take screenshot number idx.
if (True or idx<=200):
# I was using two cameras for two halves, but then I changed my mind and used the same camera for both.
def screenShotAt(idx):
take a screenshot of the current window state and store it in the file for idx
fn = filenameFor(idx)
if not os.path.isfile(fn):
print ("snap")
print("%s already exists"%fn)
def update3dView(idx, v3d, scn=bpy.context.scene):
Adjust the window for screenshot number idx:
this includes the view matrix in the 3D view (v3d) as well as shading mode and active object.
cam = cameraFor(idx)
scn.frame_current = idx
v3d.spaces[0].region_3d.view_matrix = viewMatrixFromCamera(cam)
if (idx > 200):
v3d.spaces[0].viewport_shade = 'TEXTURED'
wantAO =["hat"]
v3d.spaces[0].viewport_shade = 'WIREFRAME'
wantAO =["kiwi Armature"] = wantAO
for obj in scn.objects: = (obj==wantAO)
scn = bpy.context.scene
screen = bpy.context.screen
# we stash our screenshot index as a custom property on this camera object
cam =["Camera.002"]
idx =["cursor"]
i2 = (idx - scn.frame_start) % (scn.frame_end - scn.frame_start +1) + scn.frame_start
if (scn.frame_current == idx and scn.frame_current != i2):
# we can get the view matrix from the axuiliary camera,
# but can't take the screenshot yet because
# we have to set the frame_current to something inside the animation time bounds.
print ("adjust camera")
v3d = viewFrom(screen)
update3dView(idx, v3d)
scn.frame_current = i2
print ("screenshot %d"%idx)
end = scn.frame_end
end = 400
for q in range(end):
idx = idx+1
if (idx > end):
idx = 1
if not (os.path.isfile(filenameFor(idx))):
# skip screenshots we have already captured["cursor"] = idx
# let's adjust the 3D view to match the auxiliary camera
v3d = viewFrom(screen)
update3dView(idx, v3d)
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